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The Salvation Message
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Personal Witnessing: How Jesus Did It6 Steps|1 Quiz
The Necessity of Repentance5 Steps|1 Quiz
The Sinner's Prayer7 Steps|1 Quiz
True and False Conversion5 Steps|1 Quiz
Hypocrisy5 Steps|1 Quiz
The Certainty of Judgment5 Steps|1 Quiz
Judgment Day6 Steps|1 Quiz
The Reality of Hell6 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 7,
Step 5
In Progress
Last Words: Karl Marx
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Karl Marx, revolutionary, died in 1883. To his housekeeper, who urged him to tell her his last words so she could write them down for posterity, he answered:
“Go on, get out—last words are for fools who haven’t said enough.”