Reaching the Lost

Now that we’ve learned the content of the biblical gospel message, this course covers how to put it into practice as a regular part of our life. Reaching the lost must be at the forefront of our minds, day in and day out.


Now that we’ve learned the content of the biblical gospel message, this course covers how to put it into practice as a regular part of our life. Reaching the lost must be at the forefront of our minds, day in and day out.


Being creative in reaching the lost is the focal point of this course. You will learn an easy way to capture the world’s attention, using something that is common to every man. From open-air evangelism to how to use gospel tracts to how to share the gospel with people who are hurting, you will become equipped and ready to reach out in every situation.

Course Content

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Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons
  • 52 Steps
  • 9 Quizzes

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