The Salvation Message

We are saved by grace alone, and we access grace through repentance and faith, as we will see in the Scriptures. Just as with the Moral Law, there are other vital components of the salvation message that the church often neglects. In this course you’ll learn to put back in what is typically left out of the gospel presentation.


We are saved by grace alone, and we access grace through repentance and faith, as we will see in the Scriptures. Just as with the Moral Law, there are other vital components of the salvation message that the church often neglects. In this course, you’ll learn to put back in what is typically left out of the gospel presentation.


Jesus is our example, and the Scriptures give us a wonderful blueprint of how to effectively present the gospel in a way that makes sense. You will explore why repentance is essential for salvation, and why we are to warn hellbound sinners about Judgment Day and the reality of hell. You will see the “sinner’s prayer” in a new light, and discover that the Bible is filled with references to true and false conversion (a biblical reality of which much of the church is unaware).

Course Content

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons
  • 45 Steps
  • 8 Quizzes

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